
A lot.

First all new heroes. finished

Lore and quests. Need to find a new way for pic upload, loading pics from outlook takes too long on wordpress.

Interface and new features, otherwise no possibility to end questline…

started A complete page reorganisation while keeping the pages’ url the same to avoid death links. Also listing only main pages in kloh, there will be a table of content for further navigation. Moving old content to outdated. EDIT can’t access permalink settings, will be completed after host change.

Maybe a timeline if I can find a way to add the links to outdated and current content.


Jewelry system, main skills




Topics which will be updated soon:

  • Chaos Tower (Floors needed to be updated)
  • Guild Topic (going to add Guild War and Guild Battle there) done
  • NPC done
  • other things – Myth Raid
  • Rings and Legend Items
  • Shop / VIP System

Outdated content got already moved to outdated.

What’s coming soon?

    • finish the legend item guide
    • Items update done
    • Bounty Hunting started

24 thoughts on “To-Do-List”

  1. abeses said:

    Please i need a guide for normal quest, im stuck in quest 21 or 22, robin quest, i go at night and at day and speak with robin but quest dont starts, what i can do?


  2. abeses said:

    But i think they are diferent quest in global server and in korean server.

    In that guide:

    Episode #25: Finding the Prince

    Go to Owen

    Get shadow cult propaganda ( Get 5 small crates)

    Owen sends you to Pendragon Port (N)

    But in korean i talk to robin and go to pendragon port but dont work :(

    Where is owen?


  3. Hans said:

    Hi Shisuchan,

    It would be nice that you post some basic Korean words that can help us understand what is going on with this game. 1) For example, the translation of inscription names are super useful (as you already did). 2) For another example, can you please translate all the normal basic descriptions of normal equipments, legendary equipments. 3) Also the skills – you can provide some kind of word-to-word table of the skill descriptions


  4. Harshal said:

    I need to know the daily missions as I can’t understand Korean language.. I want to earn some essence but I dont know what I have to do for it..plzz help


  5. Harshal said:

    i have joined a guild and when i try to enter a boss battle i am prompted.. something doesn’t let me enter it. Could u tell what possibly could be the reason?


  6. Harshal said:

    thanks you are really helpful..though i just have one more thing to ask of do u open ring slot of heroes?


  7. Could u list out all daily missions i am able to only a few as i dont know what to do..


    • jnhoback said:

      The ones I do are:
      3x Group tower (not heroic tower though, only 1-100)
      1x Colliseum
      10x Infinity wars
      1x guild tower
      5x bounty fight (can do the same one)
      1x Guild Mine
      1x Mithril Mine
      10x Tower fight (not sure if solo only or if group ones count)


  8. Do we get legendary hero by hiring with 1000 legendary essence??


    • Yes, the 1000 legendary essence hire will give a random legendary hero from s1 to s6. Good luck!


      • rob can u please help me with tower floor 100-5. i wanna go to hard tower quickly to get some legendary equipments as i am out of hearts and daily earning of hearts is limited in game.


  9. Knuddel said:

    u have to clean 100-5 solo to unlock HT


  10. or get invited by someone who’s already cleared it. Harshal, what’s your ign?


  11. What are other ways of getting essence other than daily missions?? I have heard u can extract essence from heroes if yes then how is it done?


  12. mdikmen said:

    Hi mate. You can extract essence only from rank 6 heroes. For more info, please read:


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