Phase Rift

By Gooseberrykloh

From main menu, click on greenish Stonehenge looking thing in the middle, has 2 pillars on each side and a temple or something in the middle.


Monday is ring Brock upgrade purple gem.  Tuesday is melee Brock upgrade red gem.  Wednesday is range Brock upgrade green gem.  Thursday is magic Brock upgrade blue gem.  Friday is armor Brock upgrade yellow gem.  Saturday and Sunday let you choose whichever one you want.


Choose which difficulty level you would like to attempt, press button on that menu, then press bottom right button.


You can save 4 formations.  I recommend a melee formation, a magic formation, and a mixture formation.  Press blue button in bottom right corner to start the battle.


After you win, press arrow button in bottom right corner.


Click bottom right blue button to collect reward.


Below are the different bosses.

Monday.  This battle has multiple waves and is one round.  Bring whatever.


Tuesday.  This is a regular battle with 3 rounds.  Bring your melee formation.


Wednesday.  This is a regular battle with 3 rounds.  Bring your magic formation.


Thursday.  This is a regular battle with 3 rounds.  Bring whatever.


Friday.  You must kill minions first, then you can attack Black Adriel/Adriel of Darkness.  Once her hit points meter goes below 50% (it is possible to kill her with one strong enough attack), she regenerates to 100% and spawns minions.  This time you can kill her.  Bring whatever.


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