Bounty Hunting

Sry rest will follow next week………. -.-
I’m going to post a guide for all bosses for all seven days. I name the days after the last boss of the first page. Also good time to show some heroes’ models (and taking those pics is the most funny part I’ve done so far lol).



Bounty Hunting is a good way to farm Orichalcum (besides tower), Medals of Courage (besides Infinity War) and Legendary Boxes (besides farming Medals of Courage lol).

Bounty Hunting is available for Main Characters level 60+ and after getting at least rank D at floor 75-5. It’s a daily event just like Phase Rift.Screenshot_2015-03-16-16-54-29

There are four pages. You can battle any page you want to. First clear rewards are Rare Treasure Chests (level depends on difficulty of the boss).

Global: 1 page, first two bosses. You can challenge the next boss only after beating the boss before. At least the system of how to defeat the bosses is the same.
Screenshot_2015-03-13-16-10-59 Screenshot_2015-03-13-16-11-08 The second page is exactly like the first page, only bosses are more difficult (you just need more dmg…).

Just click it, you will automove, the bosses switch their position sometimes. If you talk to a boss it’s the same interface as the tower lobby. You can use friend assists, invite friends and so on.

You can challenge bosses over and over again the same day, you will get a few Medals of Courage for it (also depends on difficulty, first boss gives 5, second boss 6 and so on). It’s a nice way to farm Orichalcum cause I draw often Ori and you get a few Medals too. On the other hand you get Runes and Tickets in Tower, so it depends on what you need.

[Beam Me Up]




1st boss Kruel, the big bad boy (takes pics with Claire)


Beat minions till Kruel takes damage and you can kill him. Screenshot_2015-03-16-18-06-16

[Beam Me Up]


2nd boss Radin, david and goliath (Graceful Karinna)


Attack him till he spawns minions. Kill the minions till no more spawn, then attack Radin again. He will turn into a Mini-Radin.

Kill him and next minions spawn, just kill them… and finally real Radin spawns again. Now you just need to kill him (you can ignore minions), then the Bounty Hunt ends.


[Beam Me Up]


3rd boss Robin, getting lessons by Yuri


You need to kill all three to end the bounty hunt, but I suggest to kill Robin first. I think he gets an attack buff for killing one of his two minions. (I repeat and take a pic for translating after Vanessa)


[Beam Me Up]


4th boss Vanessa and her new cannon operated by Hiruk


Kill the towers, you can’t kill Vanessa by yourself. By killing towers she takes damage and you get a tower which shields one of your allies. One of the most annoying Bounty Hunting bosses, cause you need to survive round by round and you can’t stun or bewitch her (ok, bewitch gets through but she casts her ability nonetheless T___T )… and those fucking spawning BAAs just make it worse.

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[Beam Me Up]




1th boss Treant Elder meeting Wannabe-Fairy Acers


One of the most easiest Bounty Hunting Bosses.
Kill the small green Treant, then a red one will become a small green. Kill this again, then the last one will also transform. After beating them you can kill the Treant Elder (ignore the two red treants spawning behind him, you can’t kill them).
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[Beam Me Up]


2nd boss Red Fang, Komareo’s bff


Just kill all spawning minions until Red Fang takes damage, then you just need to finish him off to end bounty hunt.

[Beam Me Up]


3rd boss Wild Boar with Jarek coping it’s standing animation

LoH version of Obelix and Dogmatix…

This boss takes only every second round dmg. That means – 1st round he doesn’t take dmg, 2nd round he takes, 3rd round he takes no dmg, 4th round he takes dmg and so on. You just need to kill him, but I advice to kill his minions too, cause every round new ones spawn.

[Beam Me Up]


4th boss Colossal Frog feat. the most special hero……


Here I also advice to kill minions, he spawns a lot, not only his turns but also on yours. Screenshot_2015-03-19-22-45-30 Screenshot_2015-03-19-22-45-49

He takes dmg whole time and gets a full heal after a certain amount of dmg taken. After this he can be killed.

[Beam Me Up]


Insect Boss Compilation 2


1st boss Ugly Bug 1


Simple boss. After he recovered hp the second time you can finally kill it.


This yellow minions are there at the start, they can remove your buffs. Attack the boss till 1/2 of it’s hp and it gets full hp again + the yellow minions spawn again. Do it again and then he gets the minions you can see in the following pic. Those cast shield and stun.

Screenshot_2015-07-24-17-48-06Now you can kill the boss and bounty hunt is over.
[Beam Me Up]


2nd boss Spider


You can damage it only every other round: First round kill minions and stun the boss, in the second turn you can attack the spider and damage it, third round it is immortal again, fourth round vulnerable and so on. It heals 1 time full and spawns minions every round.


[Beam Me Up]


3rd boss Scorpion


This boss is pretty easy, attack him till he disappears. Then you have to kill always two fighters of Faherotsa: Pokey & Tao, Turk & Amara, Yukio & Kuroko. After it the scorpion spawns again and you can kill it (when he is half life he spawns minions).

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[Beam Me Up]


4th boss Ugliest Bug Ever


As easy as the scorpion. The first pair already spawns when you get to the boss. Ignore the boss, just kill the 3 pairs and then you are able to kill the boss.

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[Beam Me Up]

1 thought on “Bounty Hunting”

  1. Knuddel said:

    nice pictures :)


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