Auction House


  • phone authentication is required in order to use auction house [don’t ask me about it, I did nothing and can use it Oo]
  • available for characters lvl 30+
  • you can run only 2 sales at the same time
  • Equipment – ss grade, lvl 50 or higher (that means only War God equip or higher), number of transaction ingraved must be at least 1
  • Heroes – 6*, number of transaction ingraved must be at least 1 (that’s the number under their stats in hero portrait, number of trades left appears after reaching rank 6, how many you get is random).


Item Sale

Open auction house and select the second tab.


  1. Equipment/Hero selection
  2. Enter an auction starting price
  3. OPTIONAL – Enter an immediately purchase price. If someone bid as much as you typed in or more the auction ends immediately regardless of how much time’s left.
  4. Sell button – the auction will be registered and run for 24h. In the event of immediate purchase the auction will end.

A popup will appear and informs you that your item was successfully registered for auction.
You can cancel an auction as long as nobody bid to this item/hero by clicking the [X]. Your item/hero will be sent back to you via mail.


Item Buy

Browse the auction house.


Pink circle (left to right): Item, Inscription, current bid, immediate purchase price, time left till auction ends
Yellow circle: trades left
Lower buttons (left to right): Search, bid (you need to have an item selected), exit

If you found something you want click bid. Following window will open.


Yellow circle: trades left
Green circle: watch detail (really important if you are not sure what item level it is)
Pink circle: Current bid, below you can type in your bid


After you made your bid, you get a small confirmation (yellow letters). If your bid was beaten you will get the amount back via mail. All pending auctions you made a bid can be seen via the third tab (right of “item sale”).

Your purchased item will be send to you via mail (will be stored for 30 days before it disappears, so don’t forget it!)


Search Engine

There are two Search Engines – one for Equipment and one for Heroes. Every search criterium is optional.

Equipment Search


  1. select item type (order: sword, spear, axe, bow, gun, cannon, staff, tome, helm, armor, glove, shoes)
  2. insert item level (lvl 50+)
  3. insert number of transactions left (1-5)
  4. select an inscription and it’s level (here inscription list, scroll down there)
  5. insert a current bid
  6. insert a maximum bid for immediate purchase

To point 4: This is strange. You have listed every inscription for every piece, I mean first there are listed all weapon inscription with the note “sword” in brackets, then all for spear, for axe and so on. So here’s the equip so you can translate what’s in the brackets:


Hero Search


  1. select a season
  2. type in the name or the first letters of the hero you wanna search (korean of course)
  3. enter a level
  4. enter number of transactions left (1-5)
  5. insert a current bid
  6. insert a maximum bid for immediate purchase


9 thoughts on “Auction House”

  1. Benoit said:

    Weird thing is I sold a Dinari 6* for 600 hearts to a guild member cuz he doesnt need hearts.A couple of hours later , I got the dinari back…What hapenned?


    • Maybe GMs were suspicious about this auction, because 6* Dinari 600 hearts….. I don’t use auction house, but s6 and s5 heroes 6* cost around 300 hearts if I remember right. 600 is definitly too high, so I assume the auction was cancelled. The auction house is overviewed for suspect auctions to prevent arrangements and other abuses. One of you should have gotten an ingame mail by GM.


  2. Celynia said:

    Yeah thats what I thought.Well im desapointed.If arrangements with guildies doest work in auction.Well thanks for reply and by the way I updated the game today and once I log in the loading stop at 33% and a message pop up.But I dont understand it.All the game updates as been done.Can you lead me?


    • That seems to happen if they shut down the servers and apply another fix update. You need to update again. Version after reguar check was 1.0,79, now it’s 1.0.80.

      If you use playstore like me you can look it up in “How to kloh”, I took pics of it this time.


  3. Celynia said:

    Ah yes!

    Works perfectly fine now , thanks shisu!For some reason I updated game it was
    1.0.80.I had issues in game so I loged off and now it was back to 1.0.79.Thanks for the quick reply!


  4. feco said:

    Hi .have a question.I can buy from the auction house but can’t sell anything when I select the category show nothing like I have not available heroes or equipment. Was tried to sell a ss cannon lvl100 attack up 5 2 trades left .a bow and a gun lvl 90.but nothing.I even reinstalled the game.any idea??thx


  5. guildwar said:

    If you want to sell a item you have to use runes on it, another day i have a ss gear that i buy long time ago in auction and cannot sell, but i use runes on it and then i can sell. Maybe if you dont expend yours runes on an item is like isnt yours and you cannot sell.


  6. king said:

    How do I even open auction house or where do I even find it


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