KLoH Info

Here some general information about Korean Legion of Heroes.

In Korea Legion of Heroes [웅의 단 transcription= yeong-ung-ui gun-dan] is called in short LH [영군 transcription = yeonggun], but Google translates it to “Cha Young-goon”. Just if you wonder what crap Google shows you after translate a page…

There are 4 Servers for Android (노팅엄 = Nottingham, 스타브릿지 = Starbridge, 팬드래건 = Pendragon, 티아미스 = Miss Tia?? maybe Faherosa, 로마 = Rome) and 1 for IOS (페어리헤븐 = Fairyhaven).

At first it should have been available for pc too, but was rejected during developement. Should have been the next Atlantica game, but they decided otherwise.

On the 1st Server in Login list 티아미스 the english chat room is 288.

Launch Date: 14.02.2014
Developer: NDOORS
Publisher: Nexon Korea
Development Time: 4 years
Intro Singer: Lindsey Park
OST performed by: German State Philharmonic Orchestra Halle
OST Info: stage.m.music.daum.net
Current Android Version: 1.1.63
Current Season: 9
Max Gear Level: 150
Max Main Level: 130
Max Rebirth Season: 9
Max Tower Floor: 100
Max Tower HM Floor: 70
Max Chaos Abyss Floor: 17


11 thoughts on “KLoH Info”

  1. shaun mcdonald said:

    Hi. I have started playing the Korean version and it appears to be much better than the international version. I have a problem tho. I’m working through the quests and have got to the first quest on the second page is level 7 and cannot work out what I need to do. I think I have to kill/collect 1 of something.
    I hope you can offer some advice on this.
    Thank you in advance.


  2. traslate the game
    kloh to english

    removed link

    Sorry, but I can’t allow anything which infrings copyright. The files are owned by Nexon. I don’t want any trouble with them cause of these uploaded files. Even links are critical cause first the side who hosts this link will be hold responsible (I), then maybe the hoster of the files with some luck and finally eventually the one who uploaded them. Anyway, I would be blamed always and that would be very expensive.


  3. can’t get on,when i click log in using Facebook it does nothing anyone know whats up?


  4. kohota said:

    max lvl hero are they only lvl 50 if they can go up is their somthing we have to do


    • Main hero has to rebirth to be able to lvl higher. Rebirth is only possible if you are 6* and reached max level of your current rebirth season.

      The maximum level of the different Rebirth Seasons changed. [It means in order to level higher you HAVE to rebirth to the next season, otherwise you stuck with the maximum level of your current rebirth season. That means you don’t get any exp and can’t level higher.]
      – Season 1: Max Level 50
      – Season 2: Max Level 60
      – Season 3: Max Level 70
      – Season 4: Max Level 80
      – Season 5: Max Level 90
      – Season 6: Max Level 100

      On global current max rebirth is season 2, in kloh it’s season 6.
      for others: x-star (= general) heroes max lvl 50, legendary heroes max lvl 100


      • kohota said:

        i talk about hero not the main do they have rebirth too or the only way to get the higher lvl is to get them to legendary


      • Rebirth is main exclusive, general heroes have to be legendary to level up to 100.


      • kohota said:

        ty shisu damn its hard to get them legendary haha but your blog help me to prepare myself ;) arigato


  5. TheMadKing said:

    Hi has anyone figured out how to patch the new kloh update . The new updates seems awesome but I can’t use my previous patch it doesn’t work anymore so now everything is back to korean and the game set up is a little different .thanks any info on new patch would be appreciated


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