Will be extended in future. Maybe. I’m just tired of explaining everything I have already written somewhere in my blog over and over again in kloh or global chat. So this FAQ is more like a “I’m a newbie regarding kloh, I have a question” guide.


What’s the current season/max gear/max tower floor/max rebirth/max main hero level…. in korea?
See kloh info (it’s an own page, not only a place holder).

Why got Hero Wars removed?
They are going to rework it to make it more fun. It will be introduced again in future. They changed Infinity War to replace HW for the time it takes them.

When will global get feature XYZ?
Dunno. To quote the GMs: “Soon” or “no ETA yet”. For what GMs have to experience by community because of nexon’s no-communication-with-community they should get a better payment.

When will you update XYZ?
You know, I am a real person, no bot (at least the last time I looked). I have a real life and besides I have chronic difficulties in getting to sleep, so sometimes I am just too tired.
Also if I start to work on my blog it takes all the freetime I have left that day. It’s a time consuming hobby I get nothing for, except (till now only positiv) feedback. So sometimes I just do something different, I’m a gamer, I’m not satisfied by LoH.

Info about ABC is wrong!
Instead of insinuate it you could actual tell me what’s wrong, so it can be called “constructive feedback”.

Why does this shitty blog even exist?
Because shitty people talked pretty much shit in global about what the korean version has (and they still do -.-). You need examples? “Korea is already s12 I think” – “Korea is nearly finished with season 6” (after introduction of Purame/Musin, 2 weeks after legend update, which introduced s6…) – “There is a hero ABC who does [insert an op skill]” – “Korean version is even more pay to win” and so on.

Why is your english so bad?
It’s not my mother tongue, as long as people understand what I’m trying to explain I don’t care much.



What season is hero ABC?
Look at the rating table or alchemy list.

What skill has hero XYZ?
Look at the rating table, there are all listed with their skills.

Which heroes are good?
Look at the rating table, it gives you an idea. It’s made by a korean player, it got good feedback. It’s at least a nice orientation, you still have to chose the heroes yourself, skills are listed.

What’s next hero released on global?
Dunno, they release it mostly by following the korean release order (but NOT always). My alchemy list is ordered this way (newest to oldest). NOTE: sometimes they released 2 heroes at once in korea, in s5 it were Komareo+Nefertiti and Acers+Lacita.

I’ve heard it is possible to change stats of heroes.
Not really. You can switch stats, yes. You can “remove” a certain amount of points from one stat and “add” it to another, but how much points and which stats is completely random. See Hero Awakening.

How do I open ring slot?
Can be a side effect of Hero Awakening. It’s also completely random. You can also close an already opened ring slot if you apply new stats when the ring slot isn’t opened in this “new stats”. Difficult to describe in short, so see Hero Awakening.

Why have some heroes a rainbow glow?
That is a Legendary Hero or Mythical Hero. See Legendary Heroes.

What is a Legendary Hero?
See Legendary Heroes.

What is a Mythical Hero?
It’s the same as Legendary Hero, only difference is the purchasing method. See Legendary Heroes and Shop/VIP system.

There is no heart hire anymore in kloh?
You can’t hire any hero directly anymore (except Mythical Heroes). 30 and 300 heart hire is still there. You can create a hero with alchemy or buy him in auction house (if you are lucky). Here Patch Note of removal (scroll down to “general”, it’s the first point there), I pointed the “direct hire methods” out in “conclusion” of Shop/VIP system.

What heroes do I need for hero ABC for Alchemy?
See Alchemy list. NOTE: no garantuee that it will be the same on global (if alchemy will ever be introduced there).





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