Chaos Abyss

Will get a update if I have time in future.

Chaos Abyss Guide

Some general notes:

  • to do max dmg you have to use current event heroes
  • Drake is some kind of must-have, otherwise use Shyre or Crowley (at least a 2-turn-stun-chance)
  • use debuffs (for bosses 1-5 best more armor reduce (when you have good gear), for bosses 6+ more attack debuff )
  • manage your fury (use fury thiefs and set priorities, means use those skills which are most necessary or useful in that moment you need to decide)
  • wait till buff and debuff icons are there, otherwise bonus/reduction may not be applied if your hero uses his skill/attack too fast (eg main heal buff is really slow….)
  • react, that means for example (I suggest you use main heal) if one tank in first line needs a heal, but buff should be applied to 2nd line switch the tank to 2nd line and then back before round ends (can be done by using move of the hero you switched with tank)
  • if you dont use main heal, think about using Broken Arrow Assassin


Bosses 1 to 5 (very general things)

Really simple system. You have to count your turns. That means – the battle begins, you are always the first to attack. That is the first turn/round/call it what you want. Spare adds if you can (eg nicki skill should use boss+adds if it is possible, so you can’t ^^), you can use their attacks for fury build when boss gets stun. First target should be always boss.

1st turn – Just do dmg and use fury wise. You dont need to buff in first round for example.

2nd turn – First I buff, then I debuff armor reduce. After that I use fury thief and let the rest attack (eg ariesse attack debuff).

3rd turn – NOW stun by Drake. Then dmg boss and maybe buff again.

4rd turn – 6th turn dmg dmg dmg, debuffs, and buff your allies, start to kill all adds in 5th round and try to kill them all in the next turns

7th turn – stun by Drake, now you have 2 more turns to do as much dmg as you can.

no more turn descriptions, cause you won’t survive any round after 7 without stun.

If you have not that good gear you need to test around, eg when to use Drake’s stun and so on.


Bosses 6+ (very general things)

just some thoughts:

  • they are much different to bosses before
  • think about using guin
  • kill adds every round
  • attack debuffs are more important than before, cause otherwise it’s hard to survive


Just for Quidtzer (and maybe rest of my guild… Dub ^wave ….still not working….)
Here’s my current formation. For all others: I’m too lazy to switch or rank heroes AND in the end I like my team even if it is not optimal. Yeah, I should switch… nah maybe later… Season 4 ö_öScreenshot_2015-02-03-07-05-43

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