Black Wing Kainan

Guide/Translation by Raven @  Feel free to send me a PM at LINE ID: TheRavenProductions

Season: Mythic
Weapon: Staff

Fury Cost: 300

Fury Skill: Attack enemies in a 3×3 area, dealing fire damage for 2 turns and reducing their attack, increases your attack and Critical damage for 2 turns.

Mythic Skill: Increases your Critical Damage

Knights: Kainan, Amos Ileia, Dark Prophet Sybil, Zhuge Liang

Combo 1: Kainan, Amos Ileia – HP+10%

Combo 2: Dark Prophet Sybil, Zhuge Liang – Attack+15%

Combo 3: Kainan, Amos Ileia, Dark Prophet Sybil, Zhuge Liang – Critical Damage+15%