
English and korean are not my native languages, so I’m already sorry for my english.

For translation I use google.translate, translate.eu, a korean keybord (this one at moment), this transcription table (for proper names if necessary) and my own experiences.

Text translation is easy most times, graphic or ingame translation is harder.
Korean font is not constant like the russian or latin one where you place one letter after another. Korean font is like Lego, what’s looking like one character is in real a composition of 2, 3, 4 letters, for example this 된 are 4 letters which build one character. That’s the easy part and better than chinese or japanese. The problem is to see which letters are used, especially if it looks like they merge (cause quality of grafic is bad and so on).

Feel free to send me feedback or suggestions – also if you want to know something specific of korean LoH I haven’t postet yet.
You can contact me here or send an ingame mail to
Shisu (internatinal LoH) (never going ther again )
or Shirasu (kLoH Server = 스타브릿지)(acc data lost @@)
OR Shanna (kLoH Server = 티아미스).



Something about me – just if you are curious

Actual I’m a girl (or at least last time I checked I still had boobs), 24 and from Germany (that’s why you see so much capitalized words lol, I’m trying to restrict it as best as I can… most times). This blog uses german time, if you wonder + I’m home for 5 hours on working days, that’s why there are not much updates on working days.
Also, it’s hard to work on the same thing for hours, that’s why I sometimes update different things without finishing them at the same day.

I startet LoH cause of the fairies. I love them. Just ridiculous, but that’s me.

My computer broke a year ago, that and the massive p2w in kloh made me leave this whole project. Now I could afford a tablet to work with and after looking into kloh again I am really excited to restart this blog. Guess I won’t update only lore….
Currently I am going to help the german Lexicanum of Warhammer 40k beside this blog.

Yeah, it’s some kind of a hobby of mine to collect information and write it down.

10 thoughts on “About”

  1. Othesis said:

    Hello, thanks for all the info, I was wondering if you just had any general advice/info for someone who has just switched to kLOH. I understand most things but there are some differences such as nectar. Thanks.


    • Get the black lion comareo as long as he is available. If I got it right his stats will remain that high and don’t get removed like normal event bonus. Can’t tell you what the best way to go is. I just did and do all quests to level up my core team, so I can tower with 6 strong heroes and 3 weaks from time to time to get hearts.
      Don’t use 300 heart hire. It’s not bad, but it’s not important, you should get the black lady or the lion first.

      Nectar is for Hero Awakening (Eluria does it), it’s stat switching and can open jewelry slot. Can be done with every hero, but the hero needs to be level 50. Don’t buy Nectar from Merchante, you have to pay with orichalcum. Nectar starts to drop from mobs which drop lvl 50 gear or higher and drops the same way – during battle. I think it startet to drop during questline 2-5 (Pendragon castle lvl 46+ quests) and chaos tower floor 20+.


  2. Isoli said:

    Thanks for setting up all this information! This is just what I was looking for since I cannot read the language and while some things are easy enough to learn, the language barrier makes the new contents that are not in the International version hard to figure out.


  3. Hi Shisu, great site!



  4. Demali said:

    Great site Shisu.I started Kloh by your site new.Thank you for your patience.İs there any guild speaking english?


  5. Demali said:

    Thanks.Do you plan anything about quest line and daily quests?


    • I planned to but I’m still not sure if it’s necessary, cause all quests which aren’t at global yet are easily done, only move via the quest notice on top of the screen. No more map porting and such crap…. It would be only interesting if PPL are interested in the story itself, but my experience is that most aren’t, they just click to get it done.
      Daily missions was going to be the next after I finish the legend armor/jewel guide.


  6. Demali said:

    İf isnt map porting in the future quest your are very right it is unnecesary.I am episode 40 now it is very hard to find map porting but ı look at global guide and found the map:)
    Daily mission would be nice for players dont know korean like me:).For example what can ı do for legendary essence in daily?


    • Essence – 1 participate in guild war “mine scramble”, 1 participate in guild war “the away” and doing 1 chaos boss. It counts if you send your expeditions and retreat them after they started, chaos boss same – enter and retreat, you get the essence nonetheless.


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