Info for international LoH

Just thought it’s time to share and deny the claiming of Ludwig going to be a must-have.

We all know that there’s a high chance Ludwig will only be available via Coli reward royal league. That’s bad cause he’s a tank with a nice skill, same as axe main:
3×3 damage to restore hp of allies by the dmg dealt.


Don’t worry. Let’s look at Nosferatu.
3×3 damage to restore hp of allies by the dmg dealt AND creates a protective shield/film for allies in a cross.

It’s really the same:
Ludwig’s skill:
3×3 범위의 적에게 피해를 입히고 피해량의 일정량만큼 아군 전체의 HP를 회복합니다. /
3×3 범위의 적에게 피해를 입히고 피해량의 일정량만큼 아군 전체의 HP를 회복하며 자신을 기준으로. <-Nosferatu’s skill

Yeah…. actual I think Ludwig is owned by Nosferatu.
Of course Ludwig is a tank and Nosferatu only a staff user, but let’s face it – Season 4 has enough nice tanks (+ you may gonna keep Nicki and Drake) and if you are already using axe main… It’s no problem to skip him if you don’t do Coli usually.
At least Ludwig is no must-have as it is claimed everytime in international LoH chatrooms.
Actual I never saw him in korean LoH, Nosferatu yes (and some other s4 heroes, e.g. Alice), but not Ludwig.

Yeah, I don’t need to do Coli~ I will continue to be lazy.
Just give me my Nosferatu. He also looks much better than Ludwig.